8+bit Magazine Rack

Experience the pioneering days of home-computing through a selection of magazines published in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
New : Get a free link or embed for your own private retro-sales on the Magazine Rack Marketplace.

(If marked: * choose an issue then click 'pages' for overview. ** covers only. ยช other) โ€“ More Commodore, other systems and retrospective magazines further down.
Power-Ups ๐Ÿ’ซ by INTERNET ARCHIVE, AMIGA Magazine Rack, Atarimania, 8bs.com, Bombjack.org & rasputnikยทtellyvision

Sinclair โคต

CBM 8-bit โคต

AmstradยทMSX โคต

Atari 8-bit โคต

Atari ST โคต

Amiga โคต

Donations fund the web expenses (โ‚ฌ135 /year), then actual coffee and if any left over, then to produce Enterprise, MSX, Atari or ColecoVision upgrades I wish to put out there.
Donated so far: 2023: โ‚ฌ0 ๐Ÿ˜ญ โ€ข 2024: โ‚ฌ0 ๐Ÿ˜ญ โ€ข 2025: โ‚ฌ0 ๐Ÿ˜‡
โ€“ There are still a lot of magazines waiting to be added, when I get the time. But feel free to suggest magz or links in the 'Zen Garden'. โ€“

More Commodore

Other / MixEd Systems

Retrospective:ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Magazines and some Bookazines (One-off editions or limited series)

โ€ข New + Subscriptions:

retro* GAMER ยท CRASH ยท ZZAP! 64 ยท AMTIX! CPC ยท ZZAP! Amiga ยท Fusion ยท Amiga Addict ยท Pixel Addict ยท Retro Format ยท Eight Bit + Annuals ยท FREEZE64 ยท Amiga Future ยท SAM Revival ยท Komoda & Amiga Plus ยท GameGuide ยท Club ColecoVision ยท SEGA Powered ยท RESET64 ยท Popular Retro ยท SEGA Mania ยท Debug ยท Ninty Fresh ยท Switch Player ยท Evercade Evolution ยท Atari Gamer ยท Atari ST Gamer ยท Clube MSX ยท Reload ยท Old School Gamer Magazine ยท BLAST ยท SEGA Force Mega ยท Next Magazine ยทย 


('White-buttons' do not count towards magazine total... just saying)

Keywords: RETROGAMING, Retro, gaming, RetroComputing, computing, retrogames, games, retrogame, retrogamer, mags, magazine, Atari, Commodore, Sinclair, Amstrad, Amiga, Sega, Nintendo, ZX, Spectrum, ZX81, ZX80, 8bit, 16bit, BBC. Model B,ย  Electron, Archimedes, Acorn. Atom, Oric, Oric1, Atmos, CPC, 464, 664, 6128, PCW, ColecoVision, Coleco, Intellivision, 600XL, 800XL, 130XE, 800, 600, XL, ST, AtariST, MSX, MSX2, Aquarius, Dragon, Memotech, PET, Max, C64, C16, VIC20, VIC, VC, VIC-20, VC-20, VC20, Plus4, Plus/4, Arcade, CD32, CDI, CD-I, ELAN, Enterprise, CoCo, TRS80, TRS, Tandy, Texas, Instruments, TI99/4A, TI-99/4A, TI99, TI-99, 4A, MegaST, Mega, AtariTT, TT, Console, GameBoy, Game, Boy, Lynx, Jaguar, GameGear, Gear, Dreamcast, Saturn, MegaDrive, PacMag, Pac, Mag, Pac-Mag,