8+bit Magazine Rack

Experience the pioneering days of home-computing through a selection of magazines published in the 70s, 80s and 90s.
New : Get a free link or embed for your own private retro-sales on the Magazine Rack Marketplace.

(If marked: * choose an issue then click 'pages' for overview. ** covers only. ª other) – Retrospective magazines at bottom.
Power-Ups 💫 by INTERNET ARCHIVE, AMIGA Magazine Rack, Atarimania, AMSTRAD.EU, EDICOLA 8-BIT by Sovox, Bombjack.org & rasputnik·tellyvision



Revistas retrospectivas en la parte inferior.

Donations fund the web expenses (€135 /year), then actual coffee and if any left over, then to produce Enterprise, MSX, Atari or ColecoVision upgrades I wish to put out there.
Donated so far: 2023: €0 😭 • 2024: €0 😭 • 2025: €0 😇
There are still a lot of magazines waiting to be added, when I get the time. But feel free to suggest magz or links in the 'Zen Garden'. –


Magazines rétrospectifs en bas.


Edicola8bit.com: 'SFOGLIA' = Browse, 'SCARICA' = Download, 🕹️= Cover Tape/Disk

Riviste retrospettive in basso.


Revistas retrospetivas na parte inferior.